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ADHD in Children – Home Remedies and Alternative Therapies

There is no specific home remedy that can be a blanket solution for managing all ADHD children. Every child is different and has to be handled accordingly. There is no proven and effective alternative therapy for your child.


Home Remedies and Alternative Therapies for ADHD in Children

New York (USA), June 30, 2013

ADHD in Children: Home Remedies

There is no specific home remedy that can be a blanket solution for managing all ADHD children. Every child is different and has to be handled accordingly.

Common home remedies include:

1. Plan all behavioral issues keeping your child’s age in mind.

2. Handle your child patiently at all times, even if your child turns extremely uncontrollable and difficult. Stay calm and instruct in a firm, controlled, and calm tone. Your child would later try to model your calm behavior.

3. Plan adequate rest for your ADHD child as such children tire out in a short while. A rested child is easier to manage.

4. Avoid places that confuse and overwhelm your child like crowded malls, long sitting hours, and supermarkets. Take your child for nature park walks and other peaceful outings.

ADHD in Children: Alternative Therapies

There is no proven and effective alternative therapy for your child. Seek your doctor’s advice before starting on any specific therapy.

Common alternative therapies for ADHD children include:

Meditation: This has a calming effect and can help child relax. It is then easy to manage symptoms or tantrums.

Neuro-Feedback Training: This is electroencephalographic or EEG biofeedback. Technically these sessions capture brain wave patterns while your child focuses on specific tasks. These patterns help decipher your child’s behavioral aspects. However, this therapy has not been researched in depth.

Vitamin Supplements: Certain vitamin supplements are essential to maintain good health. There are no special vitamin supplements or doses for ADHD children. Give supplements only according to doctor’s advice.

Diets: Do away with hyperactivity and allergic foods like eggs, sugar, milk, and wheat. Do not use any food additives and colorings in your child’s food. Although dietary specifications and improved symptoms have not been conclusively established, yet, it is an unproven fact that diet does influence behavior.

Essential Fatty Acids: These constitute omega-3 oils. They are essential for proper brain functioning and development. Nonetheless, there has been no conclusive evidence to prove how these help ADHD symptoms.

ADHD in Children – Definition and Diagnosis
Definition and Diagnosis of ADHD in Children

ADHD in Children – Causes and Evaluation
Causes and Evaluation of ADHD in Children

ADHD in Children – Signs and Symptoms
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ADHD in Children – Treatments and Medications
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ADHD in Children – Clinical Trials and Research Studies
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ADHD in Children – Lifestyle Changes and Self-Help
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ADHD in Children – Prevention, Treatment, and Remedies
ADHD in Children – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatment, and Remedies