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ADHD in Children – Causes and Evaluation

There is no defined and proven cause for ADHD. Research is on to identify actual cause for ADHD, probable causes include Genetics, Environmental, Social, Diet. Various genes like DRD4, DAT1, 5HTT, DRD5, HTR1B, and SNAP25 are responsible for ADHD.


Causes and Evaluation of ADHD in Children

New York (USA), June 30, 2013

Causes and Evaluation of ADHD in Children

There is no defined and proven cause for ADHD. Although research is still on to identify actual cause for ADHD, probable causes include:

Genetics: ADHD is inherited, as it is a genetic condition. Various genes like DRD4, DAT1, 5HTT, DRD5, HTR1B, and SNAP25 are responsible for ADHD. All have a common variant gene, LPHN3. Different brain functions like working memory, planning, attention, mental flexibility, inhibition, initiation and monitoring of actions are various cognitive processes occurring normally. These executive functions are impaired in those with ADHD. However, degree of imparity differs greatly. Further, such imparity is not restricted to ADHD alone. Children and people with other mental disorders also exhibit similar dysfunction of brain.

Environmental: Although ADHD is predominantly due to genetic disorders, environmental factors also play a small role. Exposure to tobacco smoke during pregnancy harms central nervous system of fetus. However, not all develop ADHD. This combined with genetic factors pose a high risk for ADHD. Alcohol intake during pregnancy harms fetal growth leading to fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. This exhibits symptoms similar to ADHD. Premature birth and very low birth weight are risk factors for ADHD. Infections and traumas during pregnancy affect fetus negatively. Infections at birth like measles and streptococcal bacterial infection also harm baby and could eventually lead to ADHD.

Social: Children from families with abusive behavior, those who have suffered emotional abuse and violence in their early years often develop ADHD. Those suffering from posttraumatic stress syndrome have problems in cognitive executive functions. These translate into ADHD. Sometimes such symptoms are wrongly interpreted as ADHD symptoms. Further, caregivers and family backgrounds play a profound role in development of a child. If there are regular domestic conflicts and children view violence commonly at home, it affects their mental growth and perception. This eventually leads to ADHD.

Diet: Specific food colorings induce hyperactivity symptoms in ADHD children. However, there is no specific and established link between the two. Research is still on to detect whether artificial food colors prompt any specific behavior in children.

ADHD in Children – Definition and Diagnosis
Definition and Diagnosis of ADHD in Children

ADHD in Children – Signs and Symptoms
Signs and Symptoms of ADHD in Children

ADHD in Children – Complications and Risk Factors
Complications and Risk Factors for ADHD in Children

ADHD in Children – Diagnostic Tests and Procedures
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ADHD in Children – Treatments and Medications
Treatments and Medications for ADHD in Children

ADHD in Children – Clinical Trials and Research Studies
Clinical Trials and Research Studies on ADHD in Children

ADHD in Children – Home Remedies and Alternative Therapies
Home Remedies and Alternative Therapies for ADHD in Children

ADHD in Children – Prevention and Coping
Prevention and Coping with ADHD in Children

ADHD in Children – Lifestyle Changes and Self-Help
Lifestyle Changes and Self-Help for ADHD in Children

ADHD in Children – Prevention, Treatment, and Remedies
ADHD in Children – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatment, and Remedies

Written By:
Dr. Marilyn Thompson