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ACL Injury – Definition and Diagnosis

ACL injury is a common sporting injury of Anterior Cruciate Ligament inside knee joint. Doctor conducts a thorough objective and subjective examination of your knee to diagnose ACL injury or tear. Any injury to ACL affects knee stability and movement adversely.


Definition and Diagnosis of ACL Injury

New York (USA), June 19, 2013

What is ACL Injury?

Definition of ACL Injury

ACL injury is a common sporting injury of Anterior Cruciate Ligament inside the knee joint. This injury is common among sportspersons playing sports that involve sudden stops and starts as in volleyball, basketball, tennis and soccer. People playing other sports like rugby, artistic gymnastics, alpine skiing, and martial arts also suffer from ACL injuries.

A popping sound is heard soon after ACL injury accompanied with swelling after few hours. You experience severe pain in knee region while bending. Sometime affected knee gives away while just standing.

Anterior cruciate ligament or ACL is a very important ligament of your leg helping in easy movement of different leg parts. Any injury to ACL affects knee stability and movement adversely. ACL injuries range from a simple mild tear, many small tears, or numerous severe tears of ligament. ACL tear occurs when knee is bent too much towards the back or towards the sides. Sometimes a direct impact on the knee also leads to ACL injury.

Diagnosis of ACL Injury

Doctor conducts a thorough objective and subjective examination of your knee to diagnose ACL injury or tear. Doctor advises X-ray and MRI or CT scan to determine extent of injury and confirm diagnosis of ACL injury. All together help in determining extent of injury and how far other ligaments and muscles within the knee have been injured or affected.

ACL Injury – Causes and Evaluation
Causes and Evaluation of ACL Injury

ACL Injury – Signs and Symptoms
Signs and Symptoms of ACL Injury

ACL Injury – Complications and Risk Factors
Complications and Risk Factors for ACL Injury

ACL Injury – Diagnostic Tests and Procedures
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures for ACL Injury

ACL Injury – Treatments and Medications
Treatments and Medications for ACL Injury

ACL Injury – Clinical Trials and Research Studies
Clinical Trials and Research Studies on ACL Injury

ACL Injury – Home Remedies and Alternative Therapies
Home Remedies and Alternative Therapies for ACL Injury

ACL Injury – Prevention and Coping
Prevention and Coping with ACL Injury

ACL Injury – Lifestyle Changes and Self-Help
Lifestyle Changes and Self-Help for ACL Injury

ACL Injury – Prevention, Treatment, and Remedies
ACL Injury – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatment, and Remedies

Written By:
Dr. Marilyn Thompson