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Acoustic Neuroma – Complications and Risk Factors

Complications due to acoustic neuroma depend on size and spread of tumor. Many people with small tumors encounter almost no complications. The primary risk factor of acoustic neuroma is genetic malfunctioning of neurofibromatosis 2.


Complications and Risk Factors for Acoustic Neuroma

New York (USA), June 19, 2013

Acoustic Neuroma: Complications

Complications due to acoustic neuroma depend on size and spread of tumor. Many people with small tumors encounter almost no complications. Complications range from instability in movements accompanied with a clumsy gait. Large tumors press on brainstem. This disrupts cerebrospinal fluid flow between brain and spinal cord. Sometimes, fluid builds up within skull.

However, if tumor grows big in size, it causes permanent paralysis of face. Brain surgery can remove the tumor. Yet, symptoms like poor hearing and weakness of face persist even after surgery. Surgery also brings in further complications like nerve damage and problems in facial movements.

Acoustic Neuroma: Risk Factors

The primary risk factor of acoustic neuroma is genetic malfunctioning of neurofibromatosis 2. If this genetic disorder is present in any one parent, offspring/s inherits this disorder and develops acoustic neuroma later in life. However, this genetic disorder is very rare and occurs in very few cases only. Acoustic neuroma normally occurs in middle-aged and elderly people. Sometimes this disorder appears even amongst young adults or teenagers. Since symptoms are similar to middle ear infections, it is not easily diagnosed.

Other risk factors include:

– Exposure to low radiation of head and neck in childhood
– Excessive exposure to loud noise
– Excessive use of cell phone, although this risk factor is not established
– Presence of tumor in parathyroid glands in the neck

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