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Acoustic Neuroma – Signs and Symptoms

Signs and symptoms of acoustic neuroma depend on location and size of the tumor. A small tumor sometimes causes characteristic symptoms while a big tumor remains unnoticed for very long. The earliest symptoms are very subtle and are diagnosed much later.


Signs and Symptoms of Acoustic Neuroma

New York (USA), June 19, 2013

Acoustic Neuroma: Signs and Symptoms

Signs and symptoms of acoustic neuroma depend on location and size of tumor. This tumor normally grows very slowly and hence symptoms could manifest only around the age of thirty or more. A small tumor sometimes causes characteristic symptoms while a big tumor remains unnoticed for very long. The earliest symptoms are very subtle and are diagnosed much later.

Common symptoms include:

Vertigo: Your body balance seems affected and you are unsure of your steps. Rather you feel very unsteady and dizzy.

Tinitus: You feel a ringing sound in your ears.

Loss of Hearing: Your hearing in the affected ear/s is impaired. You are unable to hear well. Loss of hearing is gradual and could be very pronounced in one ear while it is very mild in the other ear. It sometimes starts in one ear and thereafter you feel fullness in one or both ears. In very rare cases, there could be a sudden loss of hearing.

Headache: When tumor starts growing, it presses against brain and other nerves causing severe headache with nausea and vomiting.

Facial Numbness and Weakness: This is a symptom of a huge overgrown acoustic neuroma. It compresses facial muscles leading to overall weakness of face accompanied with pain, changes in tastes, hoarseness of voice, and numbness of face. Your speech is impaired and others find it difficult to understand your speech.

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Acoustic Neuroma – Prevention, Treatment, and Remedies
Acoustic Neuroma – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatment, and Remedies

Written By:
Dr. Marilyn Thompson