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Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome – Diagnostic Tests and Procedures

No single specific test can help diagnose acute respiratory distress syndrome. Different tests and diagnostic evaluation can rule out incidence of other possible diseases. Your doctor examines you physically and checks for any abnormal breathing sounds.


Diagnostic Tests and Procedures for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

New York (USA), June 27, 2013

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Diagnostic Tests and Procedures

No single specific test can help diagnose acute respiratory distress syndrome. Different tests and diagnostic evaluation can rule out incidence of other possible diseases. Eventually it is possible detect acute respiratory distress syndrome.

Physical Examination

Your doctor examines you physically and checks for any abnormal breathing sounds. If you have acute respiratory distress syndrome, your doctor can hear wheezing or crackling sounds. Your lips and skin turn blue as blood oxygen levels are low. This indicates acute respiratory distress syndrome.

Tests to Diagnose Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Arterial Blood Gas Test: This test detects oxygen levels in blood.

Blood Test: A complete blood count helps detect any infection in blood.

Sputum Culture: Your mucus is checked to detect presence of any fungi or bacteria that comes out from your lungs when you cough.

X-ray: X-ray of the chest can detect fluid in lungs and whether your heart is enlarged.

CT Scan: A complete CT scan of your lungs can detect signs of pneumonia, presence of any fluid, or other lung problems. CT scan also detects any abnormalities in your heart.

Heart Tests: An electrocardiogram tracks electrical activity of your heart. Echocardiogram is a sonogram of your heart. It can detect any structural problems in your heart and check if your heart is functioning normally.

Bronchoscopy: This test detects any infection in your lungs.

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