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Acute Liver Failure – Home Remedies and Alternative Therapies

Home remedies and alternative therapies for liver care include staying away from alcohol and tobacco, drinking lots of water to wash away toxins, including protein foods like pulses, eggs, and fish in your daily diet. Licorice herbal solution is good for liver care.


Home Remedies and Alternative Therapies for Acute Liver Failure

New York (USA), June 24, 2013

Acute Liver Failure: Home Remedies and Alternative Therapies

Simple home remedies and alternative therapies for liver care include:

1. Boil dandelion roots in water for ten minutes. Drink this water.

2. Include less of sugar and salt in your daily diet.

3. Mix two teaspoons of papaya juice and half teaspoon of limejuice and have it every day for three to four weeks.

4. Licorice herbal solution is good for liver care.

5. Mix equal quantities of spinach juice and carrot juice and have it every day for three to four weeks.

6. Drink lots of water to wash away toxins.

7. Stay away from alcohol and tobacco.

8. Eat smaller meals as they support easy digestion and do not put excessive pressure on your liver.

9. Include lots of green vegetables and fruits like cucumber, cabbage, beet, mushroom, sprouts, carrots, drumstick, garlic, tomatoes, beans, spinach, bitter gourd, and papaya in your regular diet.

10. Include protein foods like pulses, eggs, and fish in your daily diet.

11. Stay away from deep fried refined flour foods.

12. Reduce beverages like tea and coffee to very minimum.

13. Do yoga and breathing exercises everyday to maintain a healthy body system

14. Make a solution with two tablespoons each of juice of medicinal herb bhringaraj and honey. Have half of it in the morning and the other half in the evening.

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