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Acid Reflux – Signs and Symptoms

Common signs and symptoms of acid reflux include heartburn, chest pain, regurgitation, dental problems, recurrent burping, bloating, hoarseness of voice, black or bloody stools, constant hiccups, bloody vomiting, chronic sore throat, dry cough, wheezing, etc.


Signs and Symptoms of Acid Reflux

New York (USA), June 19, 2013

Acid Reflux: Signs and Symptoms

Common signs and symptoms of acid reflux include:

Heartburn: Severe discomfort or pain in chest or sometimes if this uneasiness moves from stomach to chest and abdomen, it is heartburn. This is a typical symptom of acid reflux. This rising and burning sensation moves towards your neck. If untreated, it could lead to Barrett’s esophagus. This condition is a sign of esophageal cancer.

Chest Pain: Stomach acid flowing back into esophagus is a typical sign of acid reflux. However, constant reoccurrence of this condition causes chest pain. Pain worsens during exercises or physical exertion of any sort. Sometimes pain worsens while you rest. This is because stomach acid travels back into esophagus when you lie down. Sometimes chest pain could also be confused with a heart attack.

Regurgitation: Food comes back into mouth or throat. There is a sour or bitter taste of acid in your mouth. You feel nauseatic after eating. You feel food is stuck behind breastbone. This occurs due to narrowing of esophagus or dysphagia. Although antacids relieve this condition, it is not a permanent solution.

Dental Problems: Frequent dental problems like dental erosion and dentine hypersensitivity are precursors of acid reflux.

Other symptoms include black or bloody stools, constant hiccups, bloody vomiting, recurrent burping, excessive bloating, chronic sore throat, dry cough, wheezing, hoarseness of voice, and sudden weight loss for no apparent reason.

Acid Reflux in Children
Acid reflux symptoms in children are difficult to detect as they are unable to explain discomfort. Nonetheless symptoms are much different from that of adults and hence should be carefully noted and monitored. Common symptoms include spitting up easily, repeated vomiting, coughing, burping frequently, wheezing, bad breath, crying for food but refusing to eat, sometimes craving for bottle or breast and pulling off immediately to cry for it again, inadequate weight gain and excessive crying. However, all these symptoms do not occur similarly in all children. As there is no single universal symptom to detect acid reflux in children, symptoms should be studied over a period of time to finally arrive at a consensus.

Acid Reflux – Definition and Diagnosis
Definition and Diagnosis of Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux – Causes and Evaluation
Causes and Evaluation of Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux – Complications and Risk Factors
Complications and Risk Factors for Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux – Diagnostic Tests and Procedures
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures for Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux – Treatments and Medications
Treatments and Medications for Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux – Clinical Trials and Research Studies
Clinical Trials and Research Studies on Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux – Home Remedies and Alternative Therapies
Home Remedies and Alternative Therapies for Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux – Prevention and Coping
Prevention and Coping with Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux – Lifestyle Changes and Self-Help
Lifestyle Changes and Self-Help for Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux – Prevention, Treatment, and Remedies
Acid Reflux – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatment, and Remedies

Written By:
Dr. Marilyn Thompson