Categories: Pomegranate Guide

Pomegranates – An Overview

The pomegranate is a very sweet and tasty fruit with semi seedy pulp. The pomegranate is a six-side fruit that is of big size with hard skin that feel like leather. Pomegranate name comes out from Latin pomum meaning apple and granatus, meaning grainy.


Pomegranate – An Introduction

New York (USA), February 15, 2018

Pomegranate is a delicious and worthy fruit from no less than The Tree of Life. Pomegranate is not new in this world; the pomegranate and pomegranate tree have been the sacred symbols in most religions of this world, since time immemorial.

The pomegranate is a very sweet and tasty fruit with semi seedy pulp. It is refreshing, easy to digest and has comforting qualities.

The pomegranate is a six-side fruit that is of big size with hard skin that feel like leather. Pomegranate name comes out from Latin pomum meaning apple and granatus, meaning grainy.

Pomegranate is separated inside in many cells that contain various angular seeds. The seeds are encircled by the thin coating of pink or crimson color and have a sumptuous sub-acid flavor. The sweet ruby pink and sour selections are very popular.

The size of pomegranate fruit is medium just like an orange, about 7 to 12 cm in diameter with round and hexagonal shape. The eatable parts are seeds and splendid red seed pulp covering them.

The leaves of pomegranates are glossy and narrow oblong. In measurement, they are about 3 to 7 cm long and 2 cm broad. It has flowers with five petals of bright red color, about 3 cm in diameter.

Pomegranates fruit is in season generally from September to November in the Northern Hemisphere. You can get it in March to May in the Southern Hemisphere.

Pomegranates can be grown productively in the dry areas. If you will grow them in the wet areas, it can have root decay and fungal maladies. It can bear moderate frost but not more than that.

Pomegranate Guide – The Amazing Fruit That Heals
The Complete Guide to Pomegranates – Discover the Power of Pomegranate!

Gary Anderson