Categories: Pomegranate Guide

Storing Pomegranates – How to Store Pomegranate Fruits

Pomegranate, being a winter fruit, stay fresh at room temperature for two to three days. You can refrigerate uncut pomegranates for two to three months. Fresh pomegranate juice should be used immediately.


Storing of Pomegranate Fruits

New York (USA), February 16, 2018

Pomegranates stay fresh at room temperature for two to three days. You can refrigerate uncut pomegranates for two to three months. A medium-sized pomegranate yields around quarter to half a cup of seeds. After separating pomegranate seeds from their enclosing fruit sacs, store them frozen in an airtight bag for use in lean months.

Crack open peel of pomegranate and remove seeds from their pith section by section. It requires patience to remove pomegranate seeds. Segregate the white and spongy tissue from seeds. These could taste little bitter. Pick only the seeds. They should be transparent and reddish in color.

Fresh pomegranate juice should be used immediately. Otherwise, store it in your refrigerator and use within two to three days. Pomegranate, being a winter fruit, can be stored in similar conditions as that of apple. Ideal storage conditions include temperature between 32° to 41° F and humidity of 80% to 85%. Pomegranates stay fresh for around seven months. There would be no shrinkage or spoilage. Pomegranates remain as tasty and juicy.

Pomegranate Guide – The Amazing Fruit That Heals
The Complete Guide to Pomegranates – Discover the Power of Pomegranate!

Gary Anderson