Categories: Pomegranate Guide

The Ancient Pomegranate Practices

Going more deep in history, in Cyprus, the legend says that the goddess Aphrodite got the fruit from Phoenicia. Pomegranate was considered the symbol of love. The pomegranate blossoms just like the rose, even at the same time.


The Ancient World Pomegranate Practices

New York (USA), February 15, 2018

Going more deep in history, in Cyprus, the legend says that the goddess Aphrodite got the fruit from Phoenicia. Pomegranate was considered the symbol of love.

The pomegranate trees were implanted in her temple area, devoted to Aphrodite. It was said to be the most important temple of love of the ancient world.

The pomegranate blossoms just like the rose, even at the same time. Thus, it is the other plant, which is dedicated to the goddess of love in the ancient times.

The Romans named pomegranate, mala punica, which means Phoenician apple. At the core of the old myths, there is a thread of truth related to its origins.

The phytologists determine that the shrub was domesticated first in the late Bronze Age. This means that the people used to enjoy the fruit since the pre Biblical times.

Not only fruit, the ancient people used the flowers in botanical medicines and in red dye. Moreover, the bark of plant was used in the tanning of perfect quality of leather.

In the middle ages, the pomegranate was valued in the Lent season because it could impart visual interest and bizarre flavor to the cuisine.

The pomegranate is more than just being a flavor. It is a perfect health food whose worth is proved since thousands of years.

The ancient medical physicians knew that pomegranates work against some specific diseases. The pomegranate fruit also appears in the medical books of that period.

Pomegranate Guide – The Amazing Fruit That Heals
The Complete Guide to Pomegranates – Discover the Power of Pomegranate!

Gary Anderson