Categories: Pomegranate Guide

Natural Home Remedies – Pomegranate for Cardiovascular Diseases

Drinking a glass of pomegranate juice a day can eliminate the threat and chances of cardiovascular disease. The juice rich in polyphenol from pomegranate prevents atherosclerosis. Pomegranate fruit juice is rich in the natural polyphenols.


Pomegranate as Home Remedy for Cardiovascular Diseases or Heart Disease

New York (USA), February 15, 2018

The British researchers do confirm to the earlier study that says that the heart benefits from pomegranate fruit is great. The heart disease curative properties of the pomegranate fruit make it no less than a ‘super’ fruit.

The researchers have shown that drinking a glass of pomegranate juice a day can eliminate the threat and chances of cardiovascular disease. The juice rich in polyphenol from pomegranate prevents atherosclerosis.

American and Italian researchers used mice to test the health benefits of pomegranate juice. They studied the rats procreated to have an artery clogging disease when fed with pomegranate juice, had about 30 percent reduction in atherosclerosis.

The health effects are primarily because the pomegranate fruit juice is rich in the natural polyphenols. It includes tannins and anthocyanins that have protective effects on the artery wall.

The human heart endothelial cells, when treated with pomegranate juice in the artery walls created 50 percent more of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide helps the blood vessels to unstrain.

In fact, the cardiac curative qualities of pomegranate are evident in the mythology of ancient Babylonia. Pomegranate was believed to be an agent of rebirth. Today, the modern scientific studies are giving evidence of the restorative powers of the pomegranate fruit.

A new study tells us that the antioxidants present in the pomegranate juice can help to abridge formation of the fatty deposits in the artery walls. The antioxidants are the compounds that restrain the cell damage.

Pomegranate juice has good levels of antioxidant that was found to be quite high compared to the other natural juices, such as cranberry, blueberry and orange juices and red wine.

The scientists have found that not every antioxidant (apart from pomegranate juice) can help to put off heart attacks. Polyphenols extracted from red wine can reduce LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol. Even, black tea also overturns endothelial dysfunction and can damage the inside layers of the arteries in the patients suffering from heart disease.

Recently, a clinical examine that included 45 heart disease patients proved that drinking one glass of juice daily regularly for three months can recover the blood flow in the patients’ body to the heart. The pomegranate juice makes for the buildup of tablet in arteries.

Pomegranate Guide – The Amazing Fruit That Heals
The Complete Guide to Pomegranates – Discover the Power of Pomegranate!

Gary Anderson