Categories: Pomegranate Guide

Growing Pomegranate Trees – Proper Care

As the pomegranate tree grows and starts taking shape, you should take two or three shoots per scaffold branch. The annual pruning should be done that includes taking out deadwood and crossing over the branches.


How to Care for Pomegranate Trees

New York (USA), February 15, 2018

The pomegranate plants can be obtained from the nurseries usually in the five-gallon containers. To have a tree-like structure, you should select a trunk and take out suckers on the normal basis.

As you get the pomegranate tree planted in a container, immediately transplant its whole root ball with care. You should not disturb its roots. Then, water the pomegranate tree regularly at the time of its growing season.

It is the time when the pomegranate plant is young. The watering tendency should be low as the pomegranate plant establishes itself. If necessary, spray the plant with Sevin or Malathion if insects create more trouble to the produce.

As the pomegranate tree grows and starts taking shape, you should take two or three shoots per scaffold branch. The annual pruning should be done that includes taking out deadwood and crossing over the branches. You need to remove the suckers when they come up.

You can select three to five scaffold branches that start from about 10 inches above the soil level. They are kept spaced up with 4 to 6 inches spaced out besides the trunk.

As the pomegranate plants are shrubby in nature, trimming is important. If you will not make them trained, they will end being more like a bush. The pomegranate trees differ from 2 to 3 feet for the dwarf varieties to relatively more than 25 feet for some more full-grown ones.

As the pomegranate trees are self-fruitful, you do not need to plant any second tree needed for production of fruit. Severe pomegranate fruit drop can be recorded in the first 3 to 5 years. However, do not worry as it is considered normal.

The mature pomegranate trees can hold the fruit in a much better way compared to the younger ones. The fruit-dropping rate is increased due to fertilization and extra water.

Once the pomegranate plant is set, you can apply nitrogen fertilizer to improve the fruit quality and vigor of the plant. The young trees must get about two pounds of 8-8-8 or any other analysis fertilizer in November and March. The mature trees can be given double of this amount at the same time.

The growing plant of pomegranate often makes red dye. It can be drawn out from the flowers. Moreover, there is yellow dye coming out of the skin of the fruit and black dye from the roots.

The wood of the pomegranate is very hard and close-grained. It is durable in quality and often seen to be used to make the agricultural applies.

As you grow the pomegranate trees, a general problem that you may face is to have splitting of rind. It is caused mainly due to heavy watering and a period of drought just after that. To avoid this problem, you should keep the soil well moistures comparatively.

As you get the pomegranate tree bare root, you should not permit the roots to dry out. You can put the roots soaked in water for about an hour or so. After it, you should plant it at once and water.

Pomegranate Guide – The Amazing Fruit That Heals
The Complete Guide to Pomegranates – Discover the Power of Pomegranate!

Gary Anderson