Categories: Pomegranate Guide

Key Pomegranate Cultivars – Best Tasting Pomegranates

Bedana pomegranate has size from medium to large and has brown or white skin. Kandhari pomegranate is large and deep red. Alandi or Vadki pomegranate is medium in size and fleshy red or pink. Kabul pomegranate is dark red with pale yellow peel.


Important Pomegranate Cultivars

New York (USA), February 15, 2018

Bedana Pomegranate
Bedana pomegranate has size from medium to large and has brown or white skin. Its pulp is pink-white in color. It is sweet in taste and seeds are soft.

Kandhari Pomegranate
Kandhari pomegranate is large and deep red in color. It has deep pink or blood-red colored sub-acid pulp. The seeds are moderately hard to eat.

Alandi or Vadki Pomegranate
Alandi or Vadki pomegranate is medium in size and fleshy red or pink in color. Its pulp is sub-acid and seeds are hard.

Dholka Pomegranate
Dholka pomegranate is large sized and yellow red in color, marked with patches of dark pink and purple. It has deep rind, fleshy, purple white, and sweet in taste pulp with hard seeds. It is an evergreen plant, which is suitable for commercial objectives.

Kabul Pomegranate
Kabul pomegranate is large with dark red and pale yellow color peel. The pulp is fleshy, sweet, dark red, and little bitter in taste.

Muscat Red Pomegranate
Muscat red pomegranate is small to medium in size. The peel is thin or little thick and the pulp is juicy, fleshy, little sweet. The seeds are soft and medium hard.

Paper Shell Pomegranate
The paper shell pomegranate is round and medium in size with pale yellow colored crimsoned with pink color. The peel is thin, reddish pink and sweet. The pulp is very juicy and the seeds are soft.

Spanish Ruby Pomegranate
Spanish ruby pomegranate is round, and small, medium or large. It is bright red in color with thin peel. The pulp is fleshy, sweet, rose color, and aromatic and the sweet soft seeds. It has been a leading cultivar in the last century.

Wonderful Pomegranate
Wonderful pomegranate was originated as a cutting in Florida. In 1896, it spread out in California. The fruit is very large with dark purple red color and medium thick peel. Its pulp is deep red and juicy and the seeds are medium hard. It is better to take juice than eating out. It is one of the leading commercial cultivar varieties in California.

Pomegranate Guide – The Amazing Fruit That Heals
The Complete Guide to Pomegranates – Discover the Power of Pomegranate!

Gary Anderson